Over the course of my blog I aimed to discover why food is represented sexually. I was unable to reach one individual conclusion, but along the way found various information that contributed to the sexual portrayal of food. Freud's explanation of the mouth as the human's first sexual encounter through breast feeding showed how the process of eating appears as sexual. This was caused by the lack of separation between sexual activity and the ingestion of food. Furthermore, gastropornography displayed a sensual representation of food in imagery and the media, which was brought on by the need for sex to sell food, by exciting it. Within literature, the language of food was used as a euphemism to express sexual themes. The same practice occurred within society, as food lexis was used to replace sexual activity, in order to tone down the crudeness of talking about sex. I looked at fruit and vegetables that resemble genitalia and found that this had just as much to do with shape as well as society's patriarchal ideology. For instance, strong fruit was compared to the penis, and softer fruits were compared to the vagina. The process of eating also made food seem more sexual, as the mouth mirrors oral sex. This introduced the scopophiliac pleasure individuals gained, such as with men who stare funnily when one is consuming a banana. Little connection was found between food and passion and aphrodisiacs had a very long timeline, which started with foods we consider to be basic today, like potatoes. Nevertheless, the sexiness within foods such as chocolate, derived from the luxury and pleasure individuals experienced from its taste. I discovered that exquisite food can to an extent set a mood, which can change one's mentality, and provoke sexiness! My findings therefore showed a complexity behind the sexual representation of food.
I have really enjoyed your daring topic and the way you have led us through it! :)